General information

About your baggage

Find out what you can bring in your baggage



If you need further information about restricted items in your carry-on bag, you must call your airline company.

What is the baggage weight and size accepted?

To learn more about the size of the carry-on baggage allowed, passengers must check that information when they buy their plane tickets. However, these are the sizes usually accepted:

Seat baggage

Bags that can be placed under your seat may be approximately: A= 45 cm x B= 35cm x C=20 cm (A= height, B= width and C= length).


Cabin baggage

Approximate maximum cabin baggage size: A= 55 cm x B=35 cm x C=25 cm (A= height, B= width and C= length), including pockets, wheels, handles, etc. (21.7 x 13.8 x 9.8 in).


Can I carry medicines on the plane?

Yes, you can carry medicines on the plane, but there are certain regulations in each case.

  • Over-the-counter medicines: there are not any restrictions. However, if you travel with a big amount of medication, you may be requested to travel with a supporting prescription.
  • Prescription medicines: they must be supported by a doctor’s note stating the patient’s diagnosis.
  • Narcotic drugs: the only narcotic drug allowed is marijuana, and just for medical purposes with a doctor’s prescription. This is only valid on domestic flights but prohibited on international flights.

For further information about narcotic drugs and chemical substances, please see Presidential Decree 560/2019.

Can I travel with liquids and aerosol sprays in my carry-on baggage?

You can take liquids, aerosol sprays, and gels in your carry-on baggage if their volume is not over 100 ml per item, and they are inside a hermetically zipped transparent plastic bag.

There are exceptions for amounts higher than 100 ml in your carry-on baggage. For example:

  • Essential medications during the flight, such as diabetes equipment.
  • Liquid or pureed baby food.
  • Breast milk.
  • Non-liquid cosmetics, such as lipsticks, make-up powder, and solid deodorant.

Please, take into account that these exceptions are subject to previous screening by the airline company at check-in and police confirmation.

How do I claim lost baggage or missing items from my baggage?

If your bags or personal items are lost during your trip, you must contact your airline company. On the other hand, if you lose them in the airport, you must call the Airport Security Police (PSA) at the airport.