At Aeropuertos Argentina, we focus on people and the environment we live in. We are strongly committed to the communities of the destinations chosen by our passengers. To achieve this, we develop programs in partnership with key stakeholders, responding comprehensively to their needs and creating real opportunities. In this way, through our business, we connect millions of people, embracing our role as a key player in our country and committing to sustainable development.

2023 Impact Indicators

$67.047 M

million investment in infrastructure






local suppliers


private social investment


in environmental investment and other expenses

CAAP Sustainability Strategy

In 2022, we formally launched our CAAP sustainability strategy under five global pillars, adapting it to our local vision and engaging all our employees to work together toward our goals.

Environmental Impact

To address the climate emergency and promote a low-carbon economy, it is essential to foster initiatives that drive efficient resource use and biodiversity conservation.

We have implemented an Environmental Monitoring Program to minimize the carbon footprint generated by our activities.

Banner Destino Plástico Cero

Social and Cultural Impact

Sustainable Tourism

As one of the most important players in the country’s tourism industry, we aim to position ourselves as the main promoters of Sustainable Tourism, which, in our view, is based on three fundamental pillars: The Passenger, The Destination, and The Host. We carry out various impact initiatives for each of these pillars.

About the airport

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Sustainability reports

Access the company's annual reports that reflect Aeropuertos Argentina's commitment to corporate responsibility and sustainable development.

The Sustainability Report provides - as a way of accountability - the economic, social, and environmental practices carried out with each key stakeholder during the period.

The preparation of each report was established through international standards such as the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI 3.1), the 10 principles of the United Nations Global Compact, and the guidelines of ISO 26000 for Social Responsibility.